
Do Satellites Have Cameras To See Into Space

About 5,300 satellites orbit Earth right now, which as well means that thousands of cameras have images in real time above you. Major advances in satellite photography since the 1957 launch of Sputnik have many people concerned virtually surveillance from space. If yous worry about privacy, you lot may wonder what satellites can actually run across and where the data goes.

Satellite photography provides a unique vantage point for taking photos of the planet that can help scientists and others recognize patterns and trends. But it also raises concerns at a time when personal privacy is under far more scrutiny than e'er before.

Privacy has go a flashpoint issue in the digital age with companies recording and keeping data when they aren't supposed to and with information breaches that have revealed millions of credit card numbers, government identification numbers, birth dates and addresses.

I spoke with cybersecurity experts to find out what you demand to know about these real-time eyes in the heaven, what you lot demand to worry about and what you don't. Most agreed that misperceptions stoke fears of a tech dystopia and that overall the benefits of satellite photography outweigh the risks.


The Genesis 2 stopped working long ago but remains in orbit. In September, the U.s. Air Forcefulness warned of a slight possibility that it could collide with a expressionless Russian satellite.

Bigelow Aerospace

Not all satellites are the same

Satellites are capable of taking photographs from space, merely most of the thousands of cameras in orbit are unconcerned with your business firm, experts say. For case, farmers rely on satellite imagery to help assess their crops throughout the growing season, while city planners use it to more efficiently map highways, co-ordinate to Charlie Loyd, an imagery specialist at online mapmaker Mapbox.

Satellite data helps organize travel and airmail. Environmental satellites document rising bounding main levels, hurricanes and wildfires. Geologists tin also map error lines and predict volcanic eruptions with data from radar satellites.

The United nations keeps a satellite registry going back to the 1960s, though many aren't in orbit anymore.  Here are the main types:

  • Military satellites -- mostly for reconnaissance, defense and intelligence.
  • Commercial satellites -- for communication, entertainment-related purposes, mapping and more.
  • GPS satellites -- for supporting navigations systems.
  • Scientific satellites -- for biological research programs, health intendance, climate studies, space research, evaluating agricultural patterns, weather and more than.
  • campfire-oli-2018312-crop-lrg

    The Landsat 8 satellite defenseless this image of the Camp Fire in California on November. viii, 2018.

    NASA/Joshua Stevens with Landsat information from the U.S. Geological Survey

Satellite photos are less accurate than you think

Satellite photos aren't like a spy moving picture where you can go along zooming in until you lot encounter freckles on a person'south nose. In fact, photos today aren't authentic in the way your phone's camera is. For example, each pixel you lot come across -- in a satellite image with one-meter resolution -- covers i square meter of basis.

Every bit a rule of pollex, the lower an epitome resolution is, the meliorate the image quality. Click on the links below to see simulation satellite images at multiple resolutions of the aforementioned object:

  • fifty cm resolution: This is the most common resolution used in Google Maps. The image is pixelated.
  • 25 cm resolution: This is the best publicly available resolution for satellites. The image slightly less pixelated, but the details are yet indiscernible.
  • five cm resolution: This is the resolution known within the limits of spy satellites, according to tech expert Nooria Khan. The paradigm comes into focus. You can make out two men sitting at a bus stop, wet spots from melted snow, a trash can and defined shadows on the sidewalk.
  • 1 cm resolution: Experts believe that this resolution is used by advanced government spy satellites. You can encounter clothing details, cracks in the sidewalk and small bits of trash on the footing.

While the accuracy of data can vary from satellite to satellite depending on its photographic adequacy, the vast majority of imagery isn't typically skillful enough to jeopardize the boilerplate person'southward privacy.

"I doubtable that most people think of accuracy and satellites based on what they see in activeness-hazard and spy movies," said John Gomez, CEO at cybersecurity company Sensato.

Satellites come with rules

Satellites are actually governed past rules and regulations. A United states business organization that wants to launch a satellite must become a Federal Communications Commission license and an International Telecommunications Union approval first.

Surveillance satellites must likewise see strict National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) regulations, according to Ben Lamm, CEO of Hypergiant Industries, an AI products and services company.

"If the satellite can see less than 0.three meters, the satellite will be deemed illegal or only usable by the defence force industry. At this range, the satellite is able to place maybe cars, definitely homes, only not individual people," Lamm said.

Jamie Cambell, the founder of, said that the NOAA cap on image clarity is only for US satellites. Lamm noted that the regulations and licensing requirements in identify are strict plenty to ensure that the public's privacy is protected.

US regulations don't apply to satellites from other countries, but other countries exercise regulate their satellites also. Canada'southward satellites, for instance, are governed past the Remote Sensing Space Systems Deed. In addition, Europe's Full general Data Protection Regulation may apply to whatever imaging system that could personally identify EU citizens.

Skydio R2 drone

Drones raise a whole new set of questions about privacy.

Stephen Shankland/CNET

Drones may exist far more likely to surveil y'all

While satellites have photos, experts signal out that drones and helicopters can too -- much more cheaply, easily and accurately. Drones that can track and identify faces are available on Amazon and at All-time Buy, Gomez said.

"Fifty-fifty if the person runs or hides behind an object or wall or car, the drone will wait them out. That is a $one,500 drone," said Gomez. "Think about what you lot could do with a professional drone."

Drones are too easier to deploy for more nefarious purposes, according to Gomez.

"They tin can stay on target for very long periods of time and you can arm them if yous wanted to take someone out," he said.

For instance, the International Space Station orbits the Earth a few times per day and captures stunning photos from space. Information technology'south classified every bit an artificial satellite, but you wouldn't wait it to exist able to photograph your license plate number. Past dissimilarity, final month (and much closer to the ground), an off-duty Louisville Metro Police Department officer in Kentucky flew a law drone exterior an apartment complex downtown. The drone reportedly flew past multiple floors of the apartment's 29 stories and remained 5 to 10 feet from the apartment's balconies.

Justin Sherman, a cybersecurity policy fellow at Think Tank New America, said the mass amounts of commercial satellites permit for new levels of OSINT, or open-source intelligence collection. OSINT is data collected from publicly bachelor sources that'due south used in an intelligence context.

Although satellites accept photos, said Loyd, pictures are just pixels unless they're so attached to data. Potential privacy bug surrounding satellites depend on which satellite yous're talking about, your expectations and the abuse of other information streams.

Gomez said that instead of hacking a satellite to reveal your location patterns, for example, it would exist easier to hack your phone, your telephone provider or your vehicle's GPS system to find out where yous are and where you've been.

Khan said that regime surveillance has come nether increasing public scrutiny. At that place's a thin line betwixt acceptable and intrusive monitoring from in a higher place, she said. Cambell said that like most tech-related things, satellites are advancing too fast for the regime regulation to go along upwards.

Knowing what satellites can and tin can't exercise is key to stopping misinformation, experts say -- although information technology's impossible, even for experts, to know everything that's happening. At the aforementioned time, applied science will continue to improve and it'due south difficult to say what satellites will be capable of in the future.


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